Wappy Homemode
Whats a robo dog and owner supposed to do at home?
What IS Wappy?
Wappy is an electronic dog toy bundled with the Nintendo DS game Wappy Dog that came out in 2011. Though the game was published by Activision, the toy and brand itself is actually developed by SEGA, and was an off-shoot of other electronic dog toys made by Sega (does iDog ring a bell?) The game comes in a box to be used as his dog house, and stickers to customize your Wappy to be uniquely yours.

Home Mode is where Wappy directly interacts with the player using the toy. The player has 5 menus to choose from: Hello, Questions, Heart/Special, Food, and everyones favorite game Rock Paper Scissors! Its worth noting, that much like real pups, Wappy doesnt understand humans directly, so the Nintendo DS translates all your inputs and talking into Wappy-Speak, primarily, beeps and boops (and it translates what Wappy says back to you!) In the Hello menu, you can greet Wappy, call his attention, let him know youve arrived home, wish him goodnight, say you want to play, or say goodbye
In the Questions menu, you can ask Wappy if he wants to do something, what he wants to eat, wants to play, if you want to know how hes feeling, if hes hungry (different from what he WANTS to eat, this just lets the player know if he has a rumbly in his tumbly) and what time it is.
In the Heart menu, this is where you can have tender moments with Wappy and have the physical toy do some neat tricks! You can call him a good dog, ask for your daily fortune, tell him I love you, have him do a dance, sing a song, or even scare the spots off him by saying BOO!
In the food menu, you can feed Wappy a combination of dog food (chicken, beef or pork flavored) and dessert (Wappys got a sweet tooth, and so do I) For dessert Wappy can have Cream Puffs, Eclairs, Ice Cream or a Jelly Roll, In a VARIETY of flavors (vanilla, chocolate, caramel, kiwi, strawberry, and mint.)
Finally in Rock paper Scissors, you get to play the time honored classic with your pup. This physical dog counts down from 3 and shouts GO while shaking his front paw, while the DS screen shows you his decision ( and you tap on one of the 3 choices below to input your choice in this heated battle)
You can also check Wappys age, mood, personality (of which there are over 12 different types for him to have, friendship with you and your general progress in the game.